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Philip Schweiger

Member since Oct 4, 2010

Recent Blog Comments By Philip Schweiger

  • Platform vs. Template: Branching Logic, Application Architecture, And Request Optimization

    Posted on Nov 1, 2010 at 11:24 AM

    A bit tangential to your main point, but within the mobile space, you might consider jquery mobile ( in order to get a consistent UI across as many mobile platforms as possible. I attended a talk on it at the jQuery conference, but unfortunately have not actually done any developme... read more »

  • Tracking Google AdSense Clicks With jQuery And ColdFusion

    Posted on Oct 4, 2010 at 5:57 PM

    This is clever, I like it. I'll probably use this event, but for tracking Facebook like box clicks. As far as I know, there is no native way in Facebook to track the origins of a like box click, so this fills in that missing gap nicely. As you admit, it's just a guesstimate, but it's nice to be ... read more »

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