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Ben Nadel replied to a post Hypermedia Systems By Carson Gross

@Bill, I think one of the things that I keep struggling with is where to draw the line between progressive enhancement vs needing JavaScript to actually run the application. One thing that's "nice" about a SPA architecture is that the decision is already made for you; so, you don't have to spend too... read entire comment from Ben Nadel.

Bill Nourse replied to a post Hypermedia Systems By Carson Gross

Hey Ben, Yes sorry, I was being rhetorical. And yes, one should always follow standard conventions. For me following semantics is also very helpful. So if you prefer to use POST when your intention is to PATCH or DELETE, sure it works, but let's say we agree to disagree :) Back to HTMX... Yes, under... read entire comment from Bill Nourse.

Ben Nadel replied to a post Hypermedia Systems By Carson Gross

@Bill, I would only caution about making a false equivalence here: There is no hard fast rule that says you can't use a header tag to style a footer, right? This is inherently a misleading decision (to use footer to describe header). In the HTTP world, this would be like using GET to perform mutatio... read entire comment from Ben Nadel.

Bill Nourse replied to a post Hypermedia Systems By Carson Gross

Hey Ben, You are right, and I admit, there is no hard fast rule in applying REST principles. Using only GET and POST requests can work, no argument there. To me, it is more a matter of semantics. If my intention is to delete something, using a DELETE request instead of a POST request would at least ... read entire comment from Bill Nourse.

Ben Nadel replied to a post Hypermedia Systems By Carson Gross

@Bill, I'm with you on wanting to drive as much logic to the server as possible. After all, there server is the source of truth; and, has to handle all of business logic and the validation anyway. So, if we can collocate more of the logic there, I think it just makes everything more simple to mainta... read entire comment from Ben Nadel.

Bill Nourse replied to a post Hypermedia Systems By Carson Gross

Hey Ben, I'm so happy you read up on HTMX. Like Hotwire, the concept isn't a framework or library, but a way of thinking. Carson Gross and David Heinemeier Hansson have pointed out we don't need to follow Javascript framework conventions. For example with a CFML server, you don't need a Javascript f... read entire comment from Bill Nourse.

Ben Nadel replied to a post Hypermedia Systems By Carson Gross

@Peter, Thank you for the kind words! That's cool that we wrote idiomorph. I've heard of it (I think a number of frameworks use it, or there might be a successor called ?dommorph?); but I haven't used it directly. He seems like he knows what he's doing! I'm eager to try using it on one of my project... read entire comment from Ben Nadel.

Ben Nadel replied to a post Hypermedia Systems By Carson Gross

One thing that Carson said in the book that didn't sit right with me was is discussion about HTTP status codes. He recommended using 303 See Other instead of 302 Found (which is the default used by ColdFusion in-built location() function). His reasoning being that the 302 (and 301) status code propa... read entire comment from Ben Nadel.

Peter S replied to a post Hypermedia Systems By Carson Gross

Ben, I always love your perspective on these things. I got into htmx after working with cfml and Hotwire. Its amazing how simple htmx makes the development paradigm. After I learned that Carson G also wrote idiomorph DOM morphing engine that rails / hotwire makes use of I thought I better check out ... read entire comment from Peter S.

Ben Nadel replied to a post Hypermedia Systems By Carson Gross

@Chris, It also looks like the have a free version online to read, if that helps. It is really fascinating stuff. I've been dabbling with Hotwire over the last year or so, with mixed feelings. But, I think so much of that is also that Hotwire uses Stimulus which is extremely verbose an HTMX seems to... read entire comment from Ben Nadel.

Chris G replied to a post Hypermedia Systems By Carson Gross

Firstly, I loved this .. If nothing else, it's a palette cleanser for those of us that have been dining on thick-client applications for the last 15 years. Secondly, I'm so so so curious about digging into htmx, but just haven't ever made the time. Thirdly, I love, use, and highly recommend CFWheels... read entire comment from Chris G.

I believe in love. I believe in compassion. I believe in human rights. I believe that we can afford to give more of these gifts to the world around us because it costs us nothing to be decent and kind and understanding. And, I want you to know that when you land on this site, you are accepted for who you are, no matter how you identify, what truths you live, or whatever kind of goofy shit makes you feel alive! Rock on with your bad self!
Ben Nadel