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manolo pereira

Member since Dec 11, 2008

Recent Blog Comments By manolo pereira

  • Full As A Goog Aggregation - Fun While It Lasted

    Posted on Oct 13, 2006 at 11:06 AM

    You, crazy Focker lover you. ;) I agree with previous posts, I rather have the control on how I want my information served. Whether that be in a new window, new Tab or the same window where the link is present. I believe somebody was a little too pissed off and starting ranting about every littl... read more »

I believe in love. I believe in compassion. I believe in human rights. I believe that we can afford to give more of these gifts to the world around us because it costs us nothing to be decent and kind and understanding. And, I want you to know that when you land on this site, you are accepted for who you are, no matter how you identify, what truths you live, or whatever kind of goofy shit makes you feel alive! Rock on with your bad self!
Ben Nadel