Member since May 12, 2014
- Profile: /members/11908-derek.htm
- Comments: 2
Recent Blog Comments By Derek
Accessing $document Properties In AngularJS
Posted on May 13, 2014 at 9:04 AM
@Ben After going through some of the change history on GitHub, it looks like there are some key features for the ngCookie module that aren't available until the more recent builds, and may be implemented at the 1.3.0 milestone. Here is a link to the change request that mentions it. https://githu... read more »
Accessing $document Properties In AngularJS
Posted on May 12, 2014 at 9:29 AM
I understand there are many other reasons why you would want access to $document, but is there a reason you wouldn't use the $cookies or $cookieStore module?... read more »