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Bugli Lorenzo

Member since Jul 13, 2012

Recent Blog Comments By Bugli Lorenzo

  • How Do You Populate Shared Views In A Complex Layout Using MVC?

    Posted on Jul 15, 2012 at 9:14 AM

    @David, yes it's true. I've the same opinion, but there are some cases (like this one) where this pattern helps more than the MVC. It's wrong use it always in programming, but have few view_helpers helps a lot to me.... read more »

  • How Do You Populate Shared Views In A Complex Layout Using MVC?

    Posted on Jul 15, 2012 at 9:09 AM

    If there are ansynchronous part to show the best way to implement is use a View_Helper It bypass controller and get data from the model to display it. read more »

  • How Do You Populate Shared Views In A Complex Layout Using MVC?

    Posted on Jul 13, 2012 at 3:33 AM

    There's no need of another controller. What you need is something like Zend_View_Helper design pattern. See This pattern provides the way to present content dinamically and can be put everywhere in the view. It's like a short... read more »

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