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David Fisher

Member since Jul 12, 2012

Recent Blog Comments By David Fisher

  • How Do You Populate Shared Views In A Complex Layout Using MVC?

    Posted on Jul 13, 2012 at 6:17 AM

    @Bugli, you also have view helpers in Codeigniter (they probably borrowed it from Zend ;) ) but it always seemed a little messy to me as it involves injecting more server side markup in to the view rather then just foreachs() or JSON via Javascript.... read more »

  • How Do You Populate Shared Views In A Complex Layout Using MVC?

    Posted on Jul 12, 2012 at 1:52 PM

    @Joe, possible an Ajax call via JavaScript to the same controller with a different parameter? So simulating a second user request. @Kirill, wouldn't that make it mvcvm? model-control-view-model. I think the point of the mvc is to seperate concerns so the view never has to know about the model and o... read more »

  • How Do You Populate Shared Views In A Complex Layout Using MVC?

    Posted on Jul 12, 2012 at 11:22 AM

    I would normally use a helper class/function shared across controllers if i was using multiple controllers or a this->loadsecondmodelcall method in a singular controller then return the data as a named key array to the view ['primary_data']['secondary_data']. I guess my world/take is different ... read more »

  • How Do You Populate Shared Views In A Complex Layout Using MVC?

    Posted on Jul 12, 2012 at 10:59 AM

    Shouldn't the controller handle getting the data from the request for both the primary and secondary areas before passing it to your view? Hence using two models. Looking around i have not seen a way around it other then big capitals saying a view SHOULD NEVER directly call a controller.... read more »

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