Listing All Classes In A Jar File Using ColdFusion
You'll probably never need to do this, but today, I needed to find out what Java classes were available in a given JAR file using ColdFusion. The reason - I was doing some work on my POI Utility ColdFusion custom tags and I needed to see if the version of the POI JAR that ships with ColdFusion supports certain classes. Turns out, this is a fairly straightforward task. I wrapped the functionality up in a ColdFusion user defined function that takes the expanded path to the target JAR file:
<cffunction | |
name="GetJarClasses" | |
access="public" | |
returntype="array" | |
output="false" | |
hint="I return an array of classes in the given JAR file (expanded path)."> | |
<!--- Define arguments. ---> | |
<cfargument | |
name="JarFilePath" | |
type="string" | |
required="true" | |
hint="I am the expanded path of the JAR file." | |
/> | |
<!--- Define the local scope. ---> | |
<cfset var LOCAL = {} /> | |
<!--- Create a default array of classes. ---> | |
<cfset LOCAL.Classes = [] /> | |
<!--- | |
Create a JAR input stream to read in the line items | |
from our target JAR file. | |
---> | |
<cfset LOCAL.JarFile = CreateObject( | |
"java", | |
"java.util.jar.JarInputStream" | |
).Init( | |
CreateObject( | |
"java", | |
"" | |
).Init( | |
JavaCast( | |
"string", | |
ARGUMENTS.JarFilePath | |
) | |
) | |
) | |
/> | |
<!--- | |
Now that we have our JAR file input stream, let's loop | |
over all the entries looking for CLASS files. | |
---> | |
<cfloop condition="true"> | |
<!--- | |
Get the next entry. This might return NULL if the | |
JAR file has no more classes. | |
---> | |
<cfset LOCAL.JarEntry = LOCAL.JarFile.GetNextJarEntry() /> | |
<!--- | |
Check to see if the entry variable exists. If it | |
does not, then it means the JAR file return NULL | |
and we are done finding classes. | |
---> | |
<cfif StructKeyExists( LOCAL, "JarEntry" )> | |
<!--- | |
Check to make sure that this entry is not a | |
directory, but is, in fact a class. | |
---> | |
<cfif REFindNoCase( "\.class$", LOCAL.JarEntry.GetName() )> | |
<!--- | |
Add this class to the array. Since the JAR | |
file really has a directory structure, let's | |
replace the path separators with dots. | |
---> | |
<cfset LOCAL.ClassName = REReplace( | |
LOCAL.JarEntry.GetName(), | |
"[\\/]", | |
".", | |
"all" | |
) /> | |
<!--- Strip off the ".class" path item. ---> | |
<cfset LOCAL.ClassName = REReplaceNoCase( | |
LOCAL.ClassName, | |
"\.class$", | |
"", | |
"one" | |
) /> | |
<!--- Add the formatted class name. ---> | |
<cfset ArrayAppend( | |
LOCAL.Classes, | |
LOCAL.ClassName | |
) /> | |
</cfif> | |
<cfelse> | |
<cfbreak /> | |
</cfif> | |
</cfloop> | |
<!--- Return the array of classes. ---> | |
<cfreturn LOCAL.Classes /> | |
</cffunction> |
To call it, you just do this (I had a copy of the installed POI JAR file in the same directory as my test file):
<!--- Get file path to POI installed JAR file. ---> | |
<cfset strJarFilePath = ExpandPath( | |
"./poi-2.5.1-final-20040804.jar" | |
) /> | |
<!--- Output the classes. ---> | |
<cfdump | |
var="#GetJarClasses( strJarFilePath )#" | |
label="POI 2.5.1 Final Classes" | |
/> |
Running this, we get an array with the following values (abbreviated):
..... several hundred classes .....
Anyway, just thought I would post that in case anyone ever needs this kind of functionality.
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Reader Comments
How is this different then just listing the JAR out with cfzip?
I never really play around with JAR files much, so this comment could be totally off base, but, could you have not just used the cfzip tag? It accepts a JAR file and you could use the list action and just dumped that out, right? or am i missing the point? It's Friday so my brain has shut of ffor the weekend :-)
@Todd - beat me to it :-)
@Todd, @Simon,
Oh snap, I totally forgot that CFZip could read JAR files :)
Thanks guys; amends have been made: