The jQuery Template Markup Language, or JTML, is a jQuery-powered rendering engine that allows you to use Script tags to easily populate HTML templates with complex data objects using JTML tags.
- Tag-Based. JTML uses custom markup tags that seamlessly integrate with your DOM templates, allowing you to populate complex layouts without any tricky syntax.
- Fast Performance. JTML templates are compiled down to Javascript when the template is first loaded. Every time a template is rendered, the underlying engine is simply executing the compiled Javascript.
- Remote Templates. Using the RemoteJTMLTemplate wrapper class, you can easily make use of remote JTML templates to keep your main page clutter-free and your up front page load times smaller.
Build 2010/05/07
This build fixes some cross-browser compatibility bugs, specifically for IE. There was some issue with the regular expressions used to parse the JTML markup in IE multiline pattern matching mode.
Build 2010/04/29
This build updated the core JTMLTemplate class to accept either a jQuery object or a raw JTML string. It also adds a utility class - RemoteJTMLTemplate - which allows you to pull remote JTML templates off the server for delayed rendering. A demo of how to use the RemoteJTMLTemplate class has been included. To read about the updates in this release check out this blog post.
Build 2010/04/28
This build fixed some minor bugs and added a demonstrate file on how to use JTML in conjunction with AJAX-loaded JSON packets. The AJAX file is powered by ColdFusion; but, even if you are not a ColdFusion developer, you should be able to see how the remote file works - it just builds a simple struct. To read about the updates in this release check out this blog post.
Build 2010/04/27
This is the initial build. Just download the ZIP file and extract it. It comes with a demo file (template.htm) that can be executed without any special server-side technology. To read about the initial release, check out this blog post.