ColdFusion Jobs And Developer Circuit's Distributed Flex Widget
Are you looking for a ColdFusion job or have a ColdFusion job position that needs filling? Until now, you may have found that satisfying either of these goals has not been the easiest of tasks.
Clark Valberg and Developer Circuit have created a Flex widget that is going to revolutionize this process through a distributed effort. Instead of forcing all job seekers to come to a central location (the traditional model), Develop Circuit leverages the visibility of thousands of world-wide developers to syndicate YOUR employment opportunities. Now, developers seeking jobs will find YOUR employment opportunities published on the development sites that they frequent most often.
Setting up the Developer Circuit widget is as easy as pasting one line of Javascript into your web page. I set my ColdFusion Jobs / Employment page up over lunch in a matter of minutes. Set up your widget now, help your fellow developer find a job, and make a little money in the process.
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