Working Code Podcast - Episode 203: Naming Things Is Hard
It teeters on embarrassing; but after 25-plus years of web programming, I still don't feel confident in the naming conventions that I use in my application architectures. It's almost cliche to admit this since our industry has long-joked that naming things is one of the hardest parts of computer science. But, I'm frustrated that I haven't yet found something that feels like the "right way" to do it.
As InVision is in the process of spinning down, I've taken this as an opportunity to start a few small experimental projects. And, every time I start something new, I try to re-examine my choices; reflect on all of the pains I've had in the past; and, see if there's a better way to approach the problem this time.
My latest experiment has been a two-steps-forward-one-step-back experience. I do feel like I'm making progress in some respects; but, I also feel like I'm over-thinking the problems and doing an unreasonable amount of hand-wringing. I've decided to take this frustration to the podcast and see if my co-hosts have any recommendations for naming conventions that they use in their web applications.
I'm happy to report that talking to Adam and Tim has been helpful. Especially with regard to over-thinking some of my naming choices.
For full show notes, check out episode 203 on the Working Code podcast site.
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