Working Code Podcast - Episode 168: Memory Safe Mandate
On today's show, we talk about two major announcements relating to the technology world. First, the government released a report calling on programmers to start using memory safe languages (see: Future Software Should Be Memory Safe). Second, Apple announced that it will halt work on Titan, its autonomous electric vehicle project. We also talk about the pros-and-cons of a Computer Science degree in relation to the web development industry.
I have a computer science degree through a school of engineering; and, while I absolutely loved going to college (and rocking out hard on the full meal plan), I will say that almost everything I know today I learned on the job. For me, college was much more about learning to work, learning to think, and coping with self-directed topics and deadlines; and, much less about any one topic or technology. Which is to say, if you don't have a CompSci degree, don't feel like you're missing out on something fundamental.
Point-of-fact, I almost failed-out of my relational database class in college. And today, nothing gives me more joy than writing SQL statements.
All that and more on this week's show:
... featuring these beautiful, beautiful people:
- Adam Tuttle → Website, Twitter, LinkedIn
- Carol Weiler → Twitter, LinkedIn
- Tim Cunningham → Twitter, LinkedIn
- Ben Nadel (that's me) → Website, Twitter, LinkedIn
With audio editing and engineering by ZCross Media.
For the full show notes and links, visit the episode page. And, be sure to follow the show and come chat with us on Discord! Our website is and we're @WorkingCodePod on Twitter and Instagram. New episodes drop weekly on Wednesday.
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