Working Code Podcast - Episode 144: The Power Of One
In a perfect world, we always do our best. But, our capacity for "best" changes on a day-to-day basis (see The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz). On some days, doing our best means jumping out of bed and absolutely crushing the day! On other days, doing our best means that we rallied just to get out of bed. And, that's OK. When we're in the slog - when our "best" is degraded - it can be helpful to identify a single, small challenge for the day; a challenge that can be accomplish and celebrated. This technique is what Carol calls the "Power of One".
All that and more on this week's show:
... featuring these beautiful, beautiful people:
- Adam Tuttle → Website, Twitter, LinkedIn
- Carol Weiler → Twitter, LinkedIn
- Tim Cunningham → Twitter, LinkedIn
- Ben Nadel (that's me) → Website, Twitter, LinkedIn
With audio editing and engineering by ZCross Media.
For the full show notes and links, visit the episode page. And, be sure to follow the show and come chat with us on Discord! Our website is and we're @WorkingCodePod on Twitter and Instagram. New episodes drop weekly on Wednesday.
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