Working Code Podcast - Episode 033: Software Patents
Do you write "new and original" code that is "useful" and has a "non-obvious function"? If so, your code may qualify for a patent. A patent can help prevent other people from using or selling your software. That said, which engineer among us isn't write new and original code every day? Software patents are weird and fuzzy and open for way too much interpretation. And, in the software industry, they seem to give "patent trolls" a lot of unpleasant leverage.
This week, the crew - which has absolutely no legal training whatsoever - talk about patents, copyrights, research & development tax credits, building software, job hopping, and best practices. And, if you don't care at all about software patents, level-up your view of the world with this quote from Adam:
People don't burn-out from too much work, they burn-out from too much unfulfilling work.
... featuring these beautiful, beautiful people:
- Adam Tuttle → Website, Twitter, LinkedIn
- Carol Weiler → Twitter, LinkedIn
- Tim Cunningham → Twitter, LinkedIn
- Ben Nadel (that's me) → Website, Twitter, LinkedIn
With audio editing and engineering by ZCross Media.
For the full show notes and links, visit the episode page. And, be sure to follow the show! Our website is and we're @WorkingCodePod on Twitter and Instagram. Or, leave us a message at (512) 253-2633 (that's 512-253-CODE). New episodes drop weekly on Wednesday.
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