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Ben Nadel at cf.Objective() 2009 (Minneapolis, MN) with: Jason Dean and Mark Drew
Ben Nadel at cf.Objective() 2009 (Minneapolis, MN) with: Jason Dean Mark Drew

Creating An HTML-Based Select Menu In AngularJS Using ngModel And ngModelController

Published in Comments (15)

Yesterday, I took my first look at building custom input controls with ngModel and ngModelController in AngularJS. While it's a two-way data binding mechanism at its core, the benefits of using ngModel appear to be many. Not only does it encapsulate the monitoring of the View-Model, it also integrates with the FormController to provide a robust validation and input-state management system. Needless to say, I was excited and wanted more. So, this post is another ngModel exploration. This time, I'm trying to create a Select-inspired dropdown menu that marries scope references to custom HTML structures.

Run this demo in my JavaScript Demos project on GitHub.

If you just need a simple data-driven select-menu, the native Select and ngOptions directives, in AngularJS, are great; they seamlessly bind your scope to the input control. But, the downside of the native Select directive is that you give up a lot of control over the how the select element is rendered. Part of this is due to the nature of the directive; part of this is due to the native behavior (and limitations) of select menus in the browser.

To compensate for these limitations, people have traditionally used jQuery plugins like Uniform and Bootstrap-Select. But, these don't really help you in an AngularJS application because they're either still limited by the underlying select element or, they revert to using "simple values", which goes against the whole AngularJS philosophy which is intended to use a View-Model.

Ideally, it would be nice to have the power of ngModel combined with the flexibility of a totally custom HTML dropdown menu. And that's exactly what I want to try to build in this exploration. I'm calling it bnDropdown and the basic format of it is this:

<div bn-dropdown="myModelReference">
<li option="anotherScope">
Anything I want here.

You need to define the bnDropdown container, which is expected to contain a single UL (in this iteration) and nested LI elements. You'll notice that I'm not actually requiring the user to include the ngModel directive. My first approach did that (required ngModel) and, well, I thought it looked unattractive. So, this directive will translate the bnDropdown attribute into an ngModel directive which gets implicitly compiled. Not only is this more attractive, I think it serves for a more interesting demo.

The "option" attributes, of the LI elements, are not static values - they are scope references. If you select one of the options, the option attribute is evaluated in the context of local scope and then used to set to the current $viewValue on the ngModelController. This is how we marry the custom HTML to the View-Model.

In the following demo, I'm creating a single dropdown for the selection of a "Best friend". The dropdown menu contains static options, ngRepeat-driven options, and an ngIf-driven option. Because the list of options is, itself, based on the View-Model, we have to be conscious about timing when we render the selected state. The underlying ngModelController registeres its $watch() binding before the linking phase. As such, it will register its watchers before ngRepeat or ngIf get a chance to. This means that the ngModelController will ask the ngModel consumer to render before the ngRepeat and ngIf directives have rendered their elements. As such, we have to render our state asynchronously, giving the nested directives a chance to catch up.

That said, let's look at the code:

<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="Demo">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
Creating An HTML-Based Select Menu In AngularJS Using ngModel And ngModelController
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./demo.css"></link>
<body ng-controller="AppController">
Creating An HTML-Based Select Menu In AngularJS Using ngModel And ngModelController
<form name="myForm">
bnDropdown is a Form control that uses ngModel behind the scenes. Like the
Select / ngOptions directives, it binds a View-Model to a list of options;
however, these options are defined in the HTML rather than in an array of
values. This allows for rich formatting without the loss of directive View-
Model references.
Notice that we are using the following ngModel-related attributes:
* required - Flags the field as invalid if NULL.
* ngChange - evaluates an expression when the View-Model is changed by user.
The bnDropdown directives expects the content to be UL > LI. It will use the
LI elements as the menu options. And, when the user clicks on an option, it
will look for a [option] attribute to derive the value. This value is a direct
scope reference, NOT a string value.
So, when you see `option="friend"`, that will be evaluated as `scope.friend`
when the user clicks on the given option.
placeholder="Select your best friend!"
ng-change="logChange( bestFriend )">
Include static options. Since these are View-Model references, they
have to be wrapped in quotes, otherwise they will be undefined.
<li option=" 'all' " class="group all">
I love all people!
<li option=" 'none' " class="group none">
I have no friends :(
Include dynamic options. Notice that the [option] attribute references
the iteration index (friend) of the ngRepeat directive.
ng-repeat="friend in friends track by"
{{ }} is my best friend!
<!-- Include completely conditional options. -->
My dog, {{ }}, is my best friend!
<a ng-click="selectFirstFriend()">Select first friend</a>
<a ng-click="selectNullFriend()">Select NULL friend</a>
<a ng-click="toggleHiddenOption()">Toggle hidden option ( {{ showingHiddenOption }} )</a>
Load scripts.
NOTE: I am specifically using jQuery in this demo because it has selectors
and event-delegation features that AngularJS does not support out of the box.
These are used to track clicks in the menu itself without having to bind click
handlers to dynamic elements.
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../vendor/jquery/jquery-2.1.0.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../vendor/angularjs/angular-1.3.6.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Create an application module for our demo.
var app = angular.module( "Demo", [] );
// -------------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------------- //
// I control the root of the application.
function( $scope ) {
// I am the list of friends to select from.
$scope.friends = [
id: 1,
name: "Kim"
id: 2,
name: "Sarah"
id: 3,
name: "Joanna"
id: 4,
name: "Tricia"
id: 5,
name: "Anna"
// I am the best friend that I can choose when no else is around.
$ = {
id: 1,
name: "Lucy"
// I hold the currently selected option.
$scope.bestFriend = $scope.friends[ 1 ];
// I determine whether or not the Dog shows up in the list of options.
$scope.showingHiddenOption = false;
// For debugging, I watch for changes in the selection.
function handleModelChange( newValue, oldValue ) {
console.log( "Best friend:", newValue );
// ---
// ---
// I log changes in the dropdown menu using the ngChange directive, which
// hooks into ngModel and the $viewChangeListeners collection of the form
// input control.
$scope.logChange = function( selection ) { "Ng-change logged:", selection );
// I change the friend selection using an external mutation (ie, not
// triggered by an interaction with the input control itself).
$scope.selectFirstFriend = function() {
$scope.bestFriend = $scope.friends[ 0 ];
// I change the friend selection using an external mutation (ie, not
// triggered by an interaction with the input control itself). By setting
// the selection to NULL, we can test the placeholder feature.
$scope.selectNullFriend = function() {
$scope.bestFriend = null;
// I toggle the inclusion of the optional Dog menu option.
$scope.toggleHiddenOption = function() {
$scope.showingHiddenOption = ! $scope.showingHiddenOption;
// -------------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------------- //
// To make the HTML menu easier to use, we're not requiring the user to add the
// ngModel directive. Instead, we're going to transform the bnDropdown attribute
// into an ngModel attribute. This requires us to compile with the TERMINAL
// setting so that we can get the ngModel directive to compile after we've added
// it to the element.
function( $compile ) {
// Return the directive configuration.
// --
// NOTE: ngModel compiles at priority 1, so we will compile at priority 2.
compile: compile,
priority: 2,
restrict: "A",
terminal: true
// I compile the bnDropdown directive, adding the ngModel directive and
// other HTML and CSS class hooks needed to execute the dropdown. This
// assumes that all directives are present (ie, you can't render the
// dropdown using an ngInclude or any other asynchronous loading).
function compile( tElement, tAttributes ) {
// Add the ngModel directive using the attribute value of the main
// directive. This just makes it easier to use (and look nicer in
// my opinion).
if ( ! tAttributes.ngModel ) {
tElement.attr( "ng-model", tAttributes.bnDropdown );
// Prepend the root of the menu (where the selected value is shown
// when the menu options are hidden).
"<div class='dropdown-root'>" +
"<div class='dropdown-label'></div>" +
// Add CSS hooks. Since we're in the compiling phase, these CSS hooks
// will automatically be picked up by any nested ngRepeat directives;
// that's what makes the compile phase (and AngularJS) so player!
.addClass( "m-dropdown" )
.children( "ul" )
.addClass( "dropdown-options" )
.children( "li" )
.addClass( "dropdown-option dropdown-label" )
if ( tAttributes.caret ) {
tElement.addClass( "dropdown-caret" );
// Since we're using TERMINAL compilation, we have to explicitly
// compile and link everything at a lower priority. This will compile
// the newly-injected ngModel directive as well as all the nested
// directives in the menu.
var linkSubtree = $compile( tElement, null, 2 );
return( link );
// When the dropdown is linked, we have to link the explicitly
// compiled portion of the DOM.
function link( scope ) {
linkSubtree( scope );
// Now that we've compiled the directive (in the above priority), we need to work
// with the ngModelController to update and reactive to View-Model changes.
function( $parse, $document ) {
// Return the directive configuration.
link: link,
require: "ngModel",
restrict: "A"
// I bind the JavaScript events to the local scope.
function link( scope, element, attributes, ngModelController ) {
// Cache DOM references.
// --
// NOTE: We are NOT caching the LI nodes as those are dynamic. We'll
// need to query for those just-in-time when they are needed.
var dom = {
module: element,
root: element.find( "div.dropdown-root" ),
rootLabel: element.find( "div.dropdown-root div.dropdown-label" ),
options: element.find( "ul.dropdown-options" )
// I am the value that will be put in the menu root if we cannot
// find an option with the matching ngModel value.
var placeholder = ( attributes.placeholder || "&nbsp;" );
// When the user clicks outside the menu, we have to close it.
$document.on( "mousedown", handleDocumentMouseDown );
// When the user clicks the root, we're going to toggle the menu.
dom.root.on( "click", handelRootClick );
// When the user clicks on an option, we're going to select it.
// This must use event delegation (only available in jQuery) since
// the options are dynamic.
dom.options.on( "click", "li.dropdown-option", handleOptionClick );
// When the scope is destroyed, we have to clean up.
scope.$on( "$destroy", handleDestroyEvent );
// When the ngModel value is changed, we'll have to update the
// rendering of the dropdown menu to reflect the ngModel state.
ngModelController.$render = renderSelectedOptionAsync;
// ---
// ---
// I clean up the directive when it is destroyed.
function handleDestroyEvent() {
$ "mousedown", handleDocumentMouseDown );
// I handle the mouse-down event outside the menu. If the user clicks
// down outside the menu, we have to close the menu.
function handleDocumentMouseDown( event ) {
var target = angular.element( );
// NOTE: .closest() requires jQuery.
if ( isOpen() && ! target.closest( dom.module ).length ) {
// I handle the selection of an option by a user.
function handleOptionClick( event ) {
// When the user selects an option, we have to tell the
// ngModelController. And, since we are changing the View-Model
// from within a directive, we have to use $apply() so that
// AngularJS knows that something has been updated.
function changeModel() {
var option = angular.element( );
ngModelController.$setViewValue( getOptionValue( option ) );
// $setViewValue() does not call render explicitly. As
// such we have to call it explicitly in order to update
// the content of the menu-root.
// I toggle the dropdown options menu.
function handelRootClick( event ) {
isOpen() ? hideOptions() : showOptions() ;
// I get called implicitly by the ngModelController when the View-
// Model has been changed by an external factor (ie, not a dropdown
// directive interaction). When this happens, we have to update the
// local state to reflect the ngModel state.
function renderSelectedOptionAsync() {
// Since the options may be rendered by a dynamically-linking
// directive like ngRepeat or ngIf, we have to give the content
// a chance to be rendered before we try to find a matching
// option value.
// --
// Since ngModel $watch() bindings are set up in the
// ngModelController, it means that they are bound before the DOM
// tree is linked. This means that the ngModel $watch() bindings
// are bound before the linking phase which puts the ngRepeat and
// ngIf $watch() bindings at a lower priority, even when on the
// same Scope instance, which is why we have to render asynchronously,
// giving ngRepeat and ngIf a chance to react to $watch() callbacks.
// The more you know!
scope.$evalAsync( renderSelectedOption );
// ---
// ---
// I determine if the options menu is being shown.
function isOpen() {
return( dom.module.hasClass( "dropdown-open" ) );
// I find rendered option with the given value. This evaluates the
// [option] attribute in the context of the local scope and then
// performs a direct object reference comparison.
function findOptionWithValue( value ) {
// Since the options are dynamic, we have to collection just-in-
// time with the selection event.
var options = dom.options.children( "li.dropdown-option" );
for ( var i = 0, length = options.length ; i < length ; i++ ) {
var option = angular.element( options[ i ] );
if ( getOptionValue( option ) === value ) {
return( option );
return( null );
// I get the value of the given option (as evaluated in the context
// of the local scope associated with the option element).
function getOptionValue( option ) {
var accessor = $parse( option.attr( "option" ) || "null" );
return( accessor( option.scope() ) );
// I hide the options menu.
function hideOptions() {
dom.module.removeClass( "dropdown-open" );
// I update the dropdown state to reflect the currently selected
// ngModel value.
function renderSelectedOption() {
// Find the FIRST DOM element that matches the selected value.
var option = findOptionWithValue( ngModelController.$viewValue );
// Remove any current selection.
dom.options.find( "li.dropdown-option" )
.removeClass( "dropdown-selection" )
// If we found a matching option, copy the content to the root.
if ( option ) {
.removeClass( "dropdown-placeholder" )
.html( option.html() )
option.addClass( "dropdown-selection" );
// If we have no matching option, copy the placeholder to the root.
} else {
.addClass( "dropdown-placeholder" )
.html( placeholder )
// I show the options menu.
function showOptions() {
dom.module.addClass( "dropdown-open" );
view raw bn-dropdown.htm hosted with ❤ by GitHub

You notice that the bnDropdown directive is spread across two different compilation and linking priorities. This is because the ngModel attribute is optional; if you don't provide it, I will inject it for you. But, since this is taking place on the same element node, the ngModelController wouldn't be available. As such, the "require" of ngModel's controller has to be done in a different compilation and linking phase, at a lower priority.

The compile-phase of the bnDropdown directive injects some additional HTML and CSS classes. And, since these are injected as part of the compilation phase, they will automatically be cloned if any of the nested LI elements are using dynamic directives like ngRepeat or ngIf (as I am doing in this demo). Doesn't that freakin' blow your mind?!? AngularJS is the bee's knees!

Earlier, I mentioned that using ngModel provides a more robust solution than simple two-way data-binding. This is why I am able to use the "required" and "ng-change" attributes, even though this isn't a native form control - these are automatically consumed by the ngModelController and the parent FormController. And, that's just the beginning. ngModel gives you a whole lot of functionality for free.

This exploration was super exciting to build. I really feel like using ngModel gave me all the customization I wanted (in the HTML) while still adhering to the "Angular way." And, having it seamlessly integrate with the state-machine of the Form makes me realize how much power is here that I have yet to even wrap my head around.

Want to use code from this post? Check out the license.

Reader Comments


Nice article Ben!

Just throwing this out there - but couldn't you separate out your dropdown menu into a top-level directive containing your ng-model and nested directives containing your dynamic options. Not sure about the performance implications though because you'll be attaching event handlers to each of your options - which can then communicate a changed model state through the use of the controller key of the directive definition object.

It would seem to me at least to provide a cleaner separation between the model state and options list. I'm also just thinking on how this could be done without using event delegation and the DOM transversals you've done.

Anyway I'm relatively new to angular so this could all be gibberish ;)


Ben, this is so great. Thank you so much for sharing this unique and effective solution.

A tip for anyone who tries this out and can't seem to get it to work -- make sure jquery.js is loaded before angular.js, like in Ben's example. Otherwise it just won't work.


Hi again,

I wasn't able to get the caret attribute to work correctly with "false" unless I explicitly checked in the first directive to see if caret is "true", like so:

if ( tAttributes.caret === "true" ) {
tElement.addClass( 'dropdown-caret' );

(line 270 of your code example)

This way, if caret="false" on the dropdown div (or anything besides "true"), it will omit the caret.

The way you originally wrote it...

if ( tAttributes.caret ) {

...just seems to check if the attribute exists, and it doesn't matter whether you set it to "true", "false", or "bob".



Ah Matt, I think you're right - it was only checking for the existence of the caret attribute, not the actual value. Sorry about that, definitely a bit misleading there (the fact that I had "true" in the HTML). That said, your fix will work and makes sense since the absence of the caret attribute is ~= falsey; so, the explicit check for "true" will work properly.



Good question, I'm not sure. I was learning a lot about ngModel and ngModelController as I was doing it. I wouldn't be surprised if this code took me a couple of hours (probably over the course of 2 days) to complete.



You present a really good question. And, I think you are correct - it could definitely be done with nested directives. But, it will be trade-offs one way or the other. Do you add a directive for each place that needs a CSS class added? Or just a directive for anything that responds to a "click" event?

Probably, you could do a little of both - use the compile phase of the top-level directive make sure some of the CSS classes are added (to the DIV and UL, for example), and then maybe have a nested directive on the individual list items that are actionable. Then, the nested directive could "require" the parent directive controller and use that to initiate changes in menu selection.

That can give me something to noodle on :)


Hi Ben!

I stepped into your code and it turned useful for an Angular project I am developing. However, I was wondering how would such a directive be transformed for a minification phase.

You see, I have a minification script which works wonderfully, but due to the structure of this directive code, the directive itself gets broken. It is somewhat related to the need to pass explicit dependency injections.

In the case of the bnDropdown directive, something along the following would be required:

"bnDropdown", bnDropdown);

bnDropdown.$inject = ['$compile', '$parse', '$document',
function bnDropdown($compile, $parse, $document) {
... /* The directive code here */

My question is, do you have any idea how the two directives components could be refactored for a successful minification process?


Hi Ben!

thats a great artikel/sample of a HTML DropDow and the best that I have found on the Internet.

Can you elp me?

- How do I make this drop-down box multiinstantiation ?

Many thank's for your help.


I am getting issue if i put this element in ng-repeat. it does not load anything.
If i put the bn-dropdown div independently then it works perfect as i want.
please give me suggestion how can i use is in ng-repeat. because there is dynamic fields in my code.

I believe in love. I believe in compassion. I believe in human rights. I believe that we can afford to give more of these gifts to the world around us because it costs us nothing to be decent and kind and understanding. And, I want you to know that when you land on this site, you are accepted for who you are, no matter how you identify, what truths you live, or whatever kind of goofy shit makes you feel alive! Rock on with your bad self!
Ben Nadel