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Ben Nadel at cf.Objective() 2014 (Bloomington, MN) with: Hemant Khandelwal
Ben Nadel at cf.Objective() 2014 (Bloomington, MN) with: Hemant Khandelwal

Ask Ben: Handling Optional XML Nodes In API Response

Published in , Comments (4)

I'm a CF / Flex developer who has been reading some of your XML entries. Thanks, in advance, for always posting great solutions. I have one for you that is driving me crazy, and it's probably minor. I'm developing an app using the api. If I want to collect specific data in each returned record, it breaks in my loop b/c the XML is missing a node. Example:

If I search a name and it returns 3 records, the first and last have phonenumbers, but the 2nd one doesn't and throws an error. How can I test if the XMLName exists, which is wp:phonenumbers, when looping through results?

<cfset requestURL = XMLparse(URL toget XML)> gets the results in XML format.
<cfset numOfLoops = XmlSearch(requestURL,"//@wp:totalavailable") />
<cfloop from="1" to="#numOfLoops[1].XMLvalue#" index="i">
#requestURL.wp.listings.listing[i].phonenumbers#<br /><br />

Right now, you are dealing with the meta data about the results. By that, I mean you are using the "totalavailable" attribute to tell you how to loop over the results. This is a fine method; but, I prefer to let the physical XML document determine how the output is used. I am not saying that this method is any different - I am just saying I am more comfortable trusting the structure rather than the attributes.

First, I am going to build up an fake, abridged fake API result set based on their documentation:

<!--- Build a fake API response. --->
<cfxml variable="xmlWhitePages">

	<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
	<wp:wp xmlns:wp="">
		<wp:result wp:type="success" />
		<wp:meta />

			<!--- Listing One. --->
					<wp:person wp:rank="primary">
					<wp:phone wp:type="home" wp:rank="primary">
						<wp:fullphone>(206) 973-0000</wp:fullphone>
				<wp:address />
				<wp:geodata />
				<wp:listingmeta />

			<!--- Listing Two. --->
					<wp:person wp:rank="primary">
				<wp:address />
				<wp:geodata />
				<wp:listingmeta />

			<!--- Listing Three. --->
					<wp:person wp:rank="primary">
					<wp:phone wp:type="home" wp:rank="primary">
						<wp:fullphone>(555) 123-0300</wp:fullphone>
				<wp:address />
				<wp:geodata />
				<wp:listingmeta />


In this XML document, as in yours, the second wp:listing node does not contain the wp:phonenumbers data node.

Now, when it comes to unpredictable XML documents, there are two ways to handle the variation. One way is to treat the ColdFusion XML document as a collection of pseudo, name-based sets. The other is to treat it as a query able document. I prefer the latter, but we will look at the former first.

In order to make XML documents a little bit more accessible, ColdFusion collects like-named XML siblings into pseudo-sets of nodes. This allows us to refer to XML documents as if they were collections of nested Structs. Because of this, we can use the struct method StructKeyExists() to see if a given pseudo-node set exists as the child of a given XML node:

	Query for all the listing nodes (the people who have been
	returned in our API search).
<cfset arrListingNodes = XmlSearch(
	) />

	Loop over our listing nodes an output the name and phone
	numbers for each record.

	<!--- Output name (always exists). --->
	#xmlListing[ "wp:people" ][ "wp:person" ][ "wp:firstname" ].XmlText#
	#xmlListing[ "wp:people" ][ "wp:person" ][ "wp:lastname" ].XmlText#
	<br />

	<!--- Check to see if there is a phone numbers node. --->
	<cfif StructKeyExists( xmlListing, "wp:phonenumbers" )>

		#xmlListing[ "wp:phonenumbers" ][ "wp:phone" ][ "wp:fullphone" ].XmlText#


		<em>No number available</em>


	<br />
	<br />


Notice that once we have our collection of listing nodes, we are using struct/array name-based notation to navigate down do the nodes we want to access. Now, just as we would with a standard ColdFusion struct, we are testing for the existence of the wp:phonenumbers node by seeing if the pseudo-node set key exists in the parent (the current listing node). If the node exists, then we are outputing its text value.

When we run the above code, we get the following output:

Mike Smith
(206) 973-0000

Sarah Vivenzio
No number available

Julia Niles
(555) 123-0300

This works just fine. But, for some reason, I feel more comfortable viewing a ColdFusion XML document as a query able document rather than a collection nested structures. That is not to say that I totally disregard the above method; rather, I combine the above method with a more XmlSearch()-based method. I use XmlSearch() to locate optional child nodes. I find the code to be longer, but a bit more manageable:

	Query for all the listing nodes (the people who have been
	returned in our API search).
<cfset arrListingNodes = XmlSearch(
	) />

	Loop over our listing nodes an output the name and phone
	numbers for each record.

		Now that we are in the context of each listing node
		(as defined by the xmlListing reference), we are going
		to perform node-relative XML searches to find the points
		of data that we want to output.

	<!--- Search for the person node. --->
	<cfset arrPersonNodes = XmlSearch(
		) />

	<!--- Search for phone numbers node. --->
	<cfset arrPhoneNumberNodes = XmlSearch(
		) />

	<!--- Check to see if a name was found. --->
	<cfif ArrayLen( arrPersonNodes )>

		<!--- Output first and last names. --->
		#arrPersonNodes[ 1 ][ "wp:firstname" ].XmlText#
		#arrPersonNodes[ 1 ][ "wp:lastname" ].XmlText#
		<br />


	<!--- Check to see if phone numbers was found. --->
	<cfif ArrayLen( arrPhoneNumberNodes )>

		#arrPhoneNumberNodes[ 1 ].XmlText#


		<em>No number available</em>


	<br />
	<br />


When we run this code, we get the exact same output. Again, I am not saying that this method is better than the first; it just so happens that I am personally a little more comfortable with it. Something about using XmlSearch() on a ColdFusion XML document makes me a little bit more comfortable than using StructKeyExists().

Now, notice that in all of my XML output, I am explicitly using the XmlText property of the referenced XML nodes:

arrPhoneNumberNodes[ 1 ].XmlText

... rather than:

arrPhoneNumberNodes[ 1 ]

From the user's point of view, it won't make much of a difference - both output the text of the XML node. However, when you output the XML node without referencing its XmlText property, what you are actually doing is asking ColdFusion to automagically convert the given XML node to a string:

ToString( arrPhoneNumberNodes[ 1 ] )

When you do this, ColdFusion actually returns the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<wp:fullphone xmlns:wp=""
>(555) 123-0300</wp:fullphone>

As you can see, it doesn't just output the node value - it takes the node, treats it as a complete XML document, and generates the string-based equivalent. And, since you certainly don't want that hanging out in your source code, make sure to use the .XmlText property whenever outputting data.

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Reader Comments


While looping, you could also use the xmlChildPos function. i.e.
<cfif xmlChildPos(someArray[i],"someNode", 1) GT 0></cfif>



Good point. I don't believe I have ever used the XmlChildPos() method. I looked at it once when I was trying to get the sibling index based on on a given node reference; but it turns out, that's not what it does at all :)


Hey Ben,

Great job and THANKS! I was using XMLSearch, which I prefer, but my problem was not using array option in cfloop; that's what was giving me the error.

I also agree with using the XML structure instead of the meta data, especially since some nodes do not even show up as we saw in this scenario.



Glad to help my man. And, please don't get me wrong - no one technique is any better than another. My strategy will definitely change depending on source of the XML data. If it is something that I create and use internally and it's small, I will definitely use the named-pseudo-sets.

Just trying to demonstrate different options.

I believe in love. I believe in compassion. I believe in human rights. I believe that we can afford to give more of these gifts to the world around us because it costs us nothing to be decent and kind and understanding. And, I want you to know that when you land on this site, you are accepted for who you are, no matter how you identify, what truths you live, or whatever kind of goofy shit makes you feel alive! Rock on with your bad self!
Ben Nadel