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Ben Nadel at cf.Objective() 2010 (Minneapolis, MN) with: Shannon Hicks
Ben Nadel at cf.Objective() 2010 (Minneapolis, MN) with: Shannon Hicks

Been Very Stressed Lately

Published in , Comments (10)

You may have noticed that my blogging has been really scarce lately. I have been super stressed at work and racing for some deadlines that are coming up on me very soon. This stress is not only eating up my free time, it has eaten up my creativity. I can't seem to get the juices flowing knowing that I have so much to do. The whole thing has put a bit of a hamper on my mood. Hopefully, I can just muscle through this and get my work done.

But, I have been getting some good stuff done. I have been working on the ColdFusion custom tags for my Excel creation with the POI library. It's actually proving easier than I thought. I already have the tags working for basic multi-sheet creation with output to either a file path and/or a ColdFusion variable (as a Byte Array Output Stream)- just about what the POIUtility.cfc was capable of doing. Now, I have to start adding in the bells and whistles like CSS support and date / number formatting as well as sheet-based query support to allow alternate output.

It might be rocky over the next week or two, but I will try to get back in the blogosphere.

Reader Comments


I developed a site with ColdFusion last year and loved the easy learning curve that it had. I have since looked at PHP and to be honest I just don't have the time to learn it as I am very busy designing and developing websites. I really just scratched the surface of ColdFusion but it is something I will return to soon.

I found the articles and information at Kinky Solutions to be really insightful at the time; it's actually how I found the site in the first place, looking for answers. Anyway...keep it up.


I feel your pain, because I'm in the same boat! I've only made 2 entries on my blog this month. I've been swamped at my day job, and swamped with some consulting/moonlighting projects I've been working on. I haven't even played a video game in over 2 months. I'm hoping things simmer down soon.

Hang in there man!


Your blog is the singular reason I have refrained from joining a terrorist organization.

You're basically an unspoken hero.

The bikini pictures didn't hurt either.


I am sure you will get through it! This is my first comment to one of your posts, but I really felt inclined to leave a message on this subject. Anyways, I am sure I speak for most of your readers when I say that we will all be here when you do get through it all.



Don't worry for postings. We do understand you have a busy life. We do appriciate you spending your time for sharing your knowledge with us.

First of all, enjoy life!


It makes you feel good once you relieve that stress.
Like finishing a huge exam you studied ages for.

Good luck.

I believe in love. I believe in compassion. I believe in human rights. I believe that we can afford to give more of these gifts to the world around us because it costs us nothing to be decent and kind and understanding. And, I want you to know that when you land on this site, you are accepted for who you are, no matter how you identify, what truths you live, or whatever kind of goofy shit makes you feel alive! Rock on with your bad self!
Ben Nadel