Exercise List: Where Do I Go From Here?
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I think my Exercise List ColdFusion object oriented exploration project was pretty successful (to date). I made a big mental leap in terms of modelling a problem domain; I was able to step away from the data-centric view a bit and think more about an object-centric world; and, I even tackled the issue of data validation (which proved to be a seemingly tougher aspect than the data modelling).
So, the question now is, where do I go from here? I am in absolutely no way ready to tackle a large object oriented project; Exercise List has only given me a small taste of what object oriented programming is. I still feel unsure about the whole data validation topic. So, where can I best apply myself next to most efficiently further my learning.
I had a few ideas:
- Create a web service API to the application to demonstrate how encapsulated business logic makes it very easy to duplicated processes without duplicating logic.
- Add a framework to the project that requires or promotes an MVC style architecture (Model-Glue, FuseBox, Mach-ii) so as to more fully utilize objects that modularize and encapsulate business logic.
That's really all that I was able to come up with. My other thought was just to scrap this project and move on with some other stuff. I certainly have gotten some great experience out of this, so it was not at all a waste. I'm actually pretty happy with it, and I think I made bigger leaps in OOP than I ever expected to make.
I guess, for the moment, I am gonna put this on hold until I decide how to proceed. In the mean time, this project did get me excited about building something Fitness-related, which I have always had a dream to do. I think I might try to get the ball rolling on some of those ideas until further notice.
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