$() - Traversing DOM jQuery Demo
// Loop over all of the LI elements.
$( "li" ).each(
function( intI, objLI ){
var jLI = $( this );
// Loop over each link to bind the click event with the
// specific method of traversal.
jLI.find( "a" ).each(
function( intJ, objLink ){
var jLink = $( this );
var strMethod = "prev";
// Check to see which method we should use.
if (intJ == 1){
strMethod = "prevAll";
} else if (intJ == 2){
strMethod = "next";
} else if (intJ == 3){
strMethod = "nextAll";
// Set link href and bind click event.
.attr( "href", "javascript:void( 0 )" )
function( objEvent ){
// Reset all highlight.
$( "li.highlight" ).removeClass( "highlight" );
// Execute the given method.
// Ex: jLI.prev().addClass( "highlight" );
jLI[ strMethod ]().addClass( "highlight" );
// Prevent default click.
return( false );